Difference between Piston vs Rotary Screw Compressors
By akkidmin | |
Compressors are of two type - Rotary and Recip. But very few know the difference between them. Read further to know the difference
Energy saving Air Compressor
By akkidmin | |
Compressor did make a quick growth in the market after its first appearance but still it consumes a lot of energy. Read the article below to know more about saving energy while using a compressor.
AdBlue® and what it is
By akkidmin | |
Adblue has exploded the market with its demand. Read further to find more about it. Also don't forget to read its advantage and disadvantage before leaving.
Why is lube Important
By akkidmin | |
Lubrication is an important part of heavy machinery as well as automobile but what is its advantage is still unknown to a lot! Read further to know more about it.
Hello Industries
By akkidmin | |
Akkims India, a startup which is continuously growing is renowned importer of equipment. Read more about us below.
Our Online Courses
By akkidmin | |
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.