Difference between Piston vs Rotary Screw Compressors
Difference between Piston vs Rotary Screw Compressors
Compressors are of two type - Rotary and Recip. But very few know the difference between them. Read further to know the difference
Duty Cycle – the percentage of time a compressor may operate without the risk of overheating and causing excessive wear.
  • Piston: Limited
  • Rotary: 100%
Noise Levels – rotary screw compressors are quieter and produce less vibration.
  • Piston: 80+ db
  • Rotary: 65-75 db
Oil carry-over – when oil that is used to lubricate your air compressor makes it into the air lines.
  • Piston: 10 ppm+
  • Rotary: 1-7  ppm
Flow – the ability of an air compressor to continuously perform a task. Usually measured in cfm.
  • Piston: 3-3.5 cfm/hp
  • Rotary: 4-4.5 cfm/hp
Moisture – the hotter the air, the more moisture it holds. Approximately every 20°F increase in temperature doubles air’s ability to hold moisture.
  • Piston: lower initial cost
  • Rotary: lower operating cost
Moisture – the hotter the air, the more moisture it holds. Approximately every 20°F increase in temperature doubles air’s ability to hold moisture.
  • Piston: 

    Internal Operating Temperature: 300 – 400°F
    Discharge Temperature: 100°F+ above ambient temperature
  • Rotary: 

    Internal Operating Temperature: 170-200°F
    Discharge Temperature: 15-25°F above ambient temperature
  • Piston:
  • Intermittent use
  • Lower cfm
  • Smaller shops and manual applications
  • Higher pressure
  • Rotary:
  • Continuous use
  • Higher cfm
  • High-volume and robotic manufacturing and conveyor systems
  • Applications requiring very clean air