AdBlue® and what it is
AdBlue® and what it is
Adblue has exploded the market with its demand. Read further to find more about it. Also don't forget to read its advantage and disadvantage before leaving.
What is AdBlue®
AdBlue is a colorless, slippery, non-flammable liquid consisting of 32.5% urea and 67.5% ionized water. AdBlue is not a toxic substance. It is used in SCR systems, which is an effective method to reduce nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions. NOx is a toxic gas that adversely affects human health as a result of fuel combustion with air in vehicles. As the fuel continues to burn, AdBlue fluid is sprayed on the SCR catalyst. After spraying, it converts harmful NOx gas into harmless nitrogen and water vapor. Apart from the diesel fuel tank, AdBlue liquid is sprayed from the AdBlue liquid tank, SCR system deposit and starts the process of converting harmful gases to harmless gases. AdBlue liquid usage 2% to 6% of the fuel used is used. The use of AdBlue is one of the most efficient methods to keep the NOx level at a minimum. It plays an important role in the diesel vehicles of the future.
Whereis the Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR) where the use of AdBlue is the main factor and how does it work?
SCR is an exhaust emission system. In this system, it is an emission system that aims to minimize the emission of harmful gases from the exhaust with advanced engine ignition working together with a purification system. The main factor in the SCR system is the use of AdBlue. As we have mentioned before, AdBlue combines with the gas coming from the exhaust in the SCR catalyst, allowing it to transform into harmless gases. With SCR, it reduces nitrogen oxide (NOx) excretion by 85% and the excretion of harmful particles in the exhaust of diesel engines by 40% at the same time
In SCR systems, apart from the fuel tank for AdBlue, there is also an AdBlue tank. The SCR system we mentioned is not used much except for diesel-powered vehicles such as trucks, trucks, and scoops. Especially in passenger cars, it is not preferred in diesel-powered vehicles due to the high cost of the SCR system and the large amount of space required for the AdBlue tank. In addition, since high engine power is not needed in passenger vehicles, they have low exhaust temperature and emit lower levels of NOx. The SCR system can be used as a part of the vehicle throughout the life of the vehicle. The AdBlue fluid used in the SCR system may cause deformation in the parts over time. Therefore, parts of the SCR system may require maintenance and repair over time. SCR system does not affect the oil change period of the vehicles.
Advantage of Adblue
  • The use of AdBlue contributes significantly to air pollution as it reduces gas emissions.
  • AdBlue fluid is not flammable.
  • It starts to freeze at -11 degrees. It can also be melted and reused after freezing.
  • Provides the reduction of the amount of solid waste in emissions
  • NOx gas in heavy and commercial vehicles reduces emissions and contributes to prevent respiratory diseases, albeit indirectly.
Disadvantage of Adblue
  • The AdBlue tank is separate from the fuel tank, so it takes up extra space.
  • Since it is an abrasive liquid, it causes corrosion in the system
  • If the tank is emptied, the SCR causes damage to the catalyst in the system.
  • Since it is corrosive, certain parts are needed for its use and storage.
  • It starts to freeze at -11 degrees, so it cannot be used in lower temperatures and your vehicle will not work.